8th November – my wedding anniversary – so it’ll be a lovely day, hope you enjoy it too.
[Q1.] Which actor starred in the following movies; Shallow Grave (1994), Trainspotting (1996) and Star Wars Episodes I,II, III (1999, 2002, 2005)?
[Q2.] What is the chemical element with the symbol Zr?
[Q3.] Which hit of the 1980s has the following opening verse?
Does she walk, does she talk, does she come complete
My home-brew, home-room angel, just pulled me to my feet
She was pure like snowflakes, no one could ever stain
The memory of my angel could never cause me pain
The years go by I’m looking through a girly magazine
And there’s my homegrown angel on the pages in between
[Q4.] What country has the capital Dhaka?
[Q5.] What is the longest river in Europe?
[Q6.] Who wrote “Robinson Crusoe”?
[Q7.] Following last week’s “Buffy” question, who played the lead role in the tv show “Angel”?
[Q8.] What seven events make up the women’s Heptathlon?
[Q9.] What is the collective noun for a group of owls?
[Q10.] On 8th November 1987 a bomb, set by the IRA, exploded in Northern Ireland, killing 12 and injuring 63 – what was the town where this happened?
## Answers ##
Answers: Question 1 | Show> |
Answers: Question 2 | Show> |
Answers: Question 3 | Show> |
Answers: Question 4 | Show> |
Answers: Question 5 | Show> |
Answers: Question 6 | Show> |
Answers: Question 7 | Show> |
Answers: Question 8 | Show> |
Answers: Question 9 | Show> |
Answers: Question 10 | Show> |